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A Fool With A Tool Is Still A Fool!

by Kelly Waters

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VersionOne do tools for agile development and I was interested reading the VersionOne blog. Of course it's important in any approach to have good tools, but in my view the process is much more important than the tools you use to support it. And even more important than that - by far - is the mindset of the people applying the process.

Agile development turns the traditional development approach completely on its head. So it's of paramount importance that all people involved adopt the agile mindset, and hang on to the process. Otherwise you're in grave danger, because a fool with a tool is still a fool :-)

Or perhaps even try that phrase the other way around - it still works just fine doesn't it?!

10 Key Principles of Agile Development

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  1. Michael D. said...

    I completely agree with your post :) We don't recommend to start with TargetProcess if team has no experience in agile development.

    But if you know how it works, if you feel the demand and real problems that tool may help to resolve, then the tool may save you time and money.

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