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Skills Matter Special Offer - Free Nintendo Wii when you register for Craig Larman's Agile Project Management course (in London) by 27 August

by Kelly Waters

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Skills Matter have made a special offer for readers of my blog.

[Before you ask, I've not been on this course so this is not an endorsement, and I'm not being paid to promote this course or post this on my blog]

Here's the offer from Skills Matter...

"We were wondering if any of your readers would be interested in taking Craig Larman's Agile Project Management course: Applying Agile and Iterative Practices to project management. It takes place on September 11th in London at Skills Matter.

Craig recently successfully completed managing the world’s largest Agile Project, which was a multi-shore project and entirely managed using Agile principles. Craig will be bringing this experience, combined with over 20 years of experience in Agile & Iterative Project Management, Development, OO Analysis and Design to the class room this September.

Craig is also a popular speaker at many conferences and industry events and the forthcoming courses on Agile Project Management, Test Driven Development and Design Patterns really offer a unique opportunity to learn from Craig in a very intimate setting with plenty of room for discussion and questions and a strong emphasis on practical exercises.

Craig only comes to the UK once per year, to teach this course uniquely with Skills Matter.

We would like to offer your readers a free Nintendo Wii if they register before August 27th when quoting SKIL-PTC671."

Here's the link if you're interested: Skills Matter - Craig Larman's Agile Project Management course

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