Agile Development Methodologies

The agile manifesto describes these values and principles. I have also written about 10 key principles that underly most agile development methods.
There are various agile development methodologies that exhibit these characteristics, such as:
- Scrum - agile management framework
- XP - eXtreme Programming
- DSDM - Dynamic Systems Development Method
These seem to be the most widely adopted agile methodologies, however there are other agile methods...
- Crystal - by Alistair Cockburn
- Feature Driven Development
- Enterprise Agile (previously XBreed)
- Lean Software Development - by Mary Poppendieck
- Agile Unified Process
Information on the web about these methodologies seems a little scarce, however I did find this overview of agile methodologies interesting...
14 January 2008 13:00
Great article! I agree with the 10 key principles. :)
15 January 2008 09:08
Do not forget MSF For Agile
16 January 2008 12:20
I am always suprised that almost everyone forget about the a method which is the oldest amongst all these methodods. This is the `Evo`. Evo is not for software development only. It is used in 70's and adapted to softwares in 80`s. Older than any concept of XP or Srum.
16 January 2008 17:01
I'd say Crystal is the most widely used method. Most teams that are trying to follow XP don't do all the practices. Most teams that are using XP and Scrum (small teams, anyway) add some reflective practices (retrospectives, etc.) to help them improve the way they work. The end result is by-the-book Crystal Clear.