Happy Birthday All About Agile

It all started as an experiment. A way to learn more about blogging. I never really intended to keep doing it. But it's been an amazing year...
Below are some stats from my first year as a blogger:
* I've posted about 100 entries
* About 75,000 unique users have visited my blog, between them over 100,000 times
* Over 285,000 pages has been viewed
* From people in 166 countries
* And about 1,000 people subscribe to my blog, either by email or by RSS
It's been hard work at times. But it's been more popular than I ever imagined. And most importantly of all, I've learnt so much.
Thank you all for reading!
4 March 2008 09:51
More stats please! How much have you earned from Google Adsense?
4 March 2008 13:05
Let's put it this way Andrew, it hasn't paid for my time and it certainly hasn't changed my life! :-)
4 March 2008 19:35
Kelly, have you heard about OutSystems? Incredible platform to realize the promises of agile and much more.
What are your thoughts?
4 March 2008 21:43
Congrats and happy birthday! Please keep up with the great writing.