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Agile Software Development - Quick Tour

by Kelly Waters

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agile software development quick tourThis blog is all about agile software development.

In the last year or so, I've written a lot of different entries, but I've always tried to develop themes of content so my blog wasn't just a random collection of thoughts.

For people new to my blog, or for anyone that wants a quick recap, here's a quick tour of the most popular entries..

When I first started my blog, one of my first entries was 10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development. Although this was one of my earliest posts, it has been extremely popular and to this date remains the most viewed entry on my blog.

I then went on to write further about each of the 10 Key Principles. I'm not sure why, but a few of these entries proved to be more popular than all the others. They are:

In between writing about these 10 key principles, I also sprinkled in some random posts, some of which were quite popular; especially:

In this time, I also wrote an entry about How To Prioritise Quickly and Intuitively. To my amazement, this post was picked up and featured by lifehacker.com, which caused a massive traffic spike on my blog that day!

Another entry that attracted quite a lot of interest was Most IT Projects Fail - Will Yours?. This post was picked up by quite a few project management sites and re-published as an article.

Then I wrote another series, this time focusing on How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps. There's a bit of irony in the title, because implementing agile development and applying it effectively isn't easy actually. But I think sometimes the language used by the agile community can be over-complicated and I wanted to write something that made it simple and didn't make it sound too difficult or elitist.

I've written a few entries about Agile Testing. This seems to be a particularly popular area, I think because there doesn't seem to be much information around for agile testers. And by that, I mean agile testers, not agile developers testing.

More recently I have focused on writing a whole series of posts to help people understand the concept of User Stories better, with guidance on How To Write Good User Stories.

That's it for now... I hope that's a good introduction to my blog and helps you to find some of the more popular entries and themes. I get loads of positive feedback about my blog, so I'll try to keep them coming!


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    10 Key Principles of Agile Development

    How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps

    User Stories - Agile Requirements

    Agile Project Management

    10 Key Principles of Agile

    How To Implement Scrum

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