Agile Scrum

It's certainly my agile methodology of choice.
I love the fact it's so easy to apply, straight over the top of whatever technical or engineering practices you already use.
Here's a quick round-up of some of my most popular posts about Scrum...
How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps!
Video Introduction to Scrum
Why General Agile Is Not Enough - Why Scrum Wins
Scrum Hell
ScrumMaster Can Be A Blocker
Certified ScrumMaster Isn't Worth The Paper It's Written On!
eXtreme Programming Versus Scrum
Scrumaholics Anonymous
Example Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog
Using Scrum on Larger Projects: "Scrum of Scrums"
Implementing Scrum - PowerPoint Presentation
I hope you like my selection...
Photo by MartyDev
7 October 2009 13:51
Thanks for the link to our Introduction to Agile video Kelly. I'm proud to have made your list of resources. Thank you for the quality posts you continue to share.
7 October 2009 14:20
No problem Robert. I think your site is pretty cool...
11 October 2009 20:04
Great resources - thanks for sharing!