Agile Software Development Made Easy! - The Book

It's a fairly short book. 108 pages to be precise! A lot of books about agile are quite big, with small text, and are quite heavy-going I think. What I've tried to do with my book is to create something simple - a bit like the popular One Minute Manager series - something that's not too academic and can be read quickly by people who just want to get started with agile as soon as possible!
I don't expect readers of my blog to buy it, as the content of the book is all free here. But for those that haven't discovered my blog, or for those that prefer books, it's now available on
If you like the idea of the book, but would prefer a version you can share with your colleagues, there's always the ebook, which you can buy here!
21 January 2010 14:26
How many volumes are there" At $25 per 100-page volume, it's not cheap, at least not for some bootstrapped startups. Cheers!
21 January 2010 18:25
Hi Bootstrappy! There's only 1 volume so far. Whether or not there are any further volumes depends entirely on whether there's enough take-up.
I thought long and hard about the price, particularly as it's not a big book. However the purpose was really to simplify the concepts, so I decided in the end not to overcomplicate it by trying to make it any longer than it absolutely needs to be.
I know mass-market books are very cheap, but this isn't really a mass-market topic and $25 barely buys you a long lunch these days! I think the ROI on $25 for adopting agile should be pretty good :-)
This blog is also free of charge and contains all the same content plus a whole load more. So if you're happy with this format, all this experience and hard work is there for you, accessible to everyone including bootstrapped startups!
30 January 2010 09:12
ya agile software development is easy , but how to make easy it?