New Year Round-up!

I've been on holiday for a few weeks, so apart from setting up my new Agile Community, I haven't blogged for a little while.
I thought I'd start the new year with a round-up of some of the things in my RSS reader that I found interesting when I got back from my holiday.
Here they are:
Personal Retrospectives
Quality assurance; consistency in testing
Scaling agile: Get your focus story together
Build trust between teams with Ambassadors
Specialists should become more
Pragmatic Personas: Putting the user back into user stories
Free Scrum webinars
Agile requirements at scale
ScrumMaster as impediment
Kanban and Scrum: making the most of both
Stabilisation sprints: necessary evil or waste?
Five benefits of feature teams
Agile project management insights
Mary Poppendieck on the "tyranny of the plan"
Scrum tools
Agile Design: Intentional yet emergent
Hope you enjoy my selection!
P.S. Don't forget to sign up to my new Agile Community to be part of this community!
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