If you find this site useful, why not try my 55-page eBook - Agile Software Development Made Easy!

Special Offer! Get My Agile Software Development eBook And Presentations For Only $10

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Hi everyone! I've been really pleased with how well my eBook has beeen selling. I normally sell it for $25, but I've decided to do another special offer.

You can now get my 55-page eBook - Agile Software Development Made Easy! - for just $10.

In the eBook, I've updated all my posts in the series '10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development' and 'How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps'. I've brought the text up-to-date with my current thinking, and in a few cases I've expanded on the points on my blog.

I've also reformatted them into PDF format, so it's convenient for you to take away from your computer, share with colleagues, read on the train or wherever is most convenient for you.

And that's not all! When you buy my eBook, I'll also send you two accompanying PowerPoint presentations that I normally sell for $15 on their own. That's my 55-page eBook and 2 PowerPoint presentations, all for just $10!

The only conditions of purchase are that you do not publish it (in print or on the web) and please do not circulate it outside of your organisation. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation with these conditions.

I sincerely hope you find it useful. I think you'll find it's pretty useful and for just $10 you can't really go wrong!

Click the button below to buy it now...

Many thanks!


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