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20 Simple Things You Can Do to Boost Your Agile Career

by Kelly Waters

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20 Simple Things You Can Do to Boost Your Agile Career.Here are 20 simple things you can do to boost your agile development career.

Of course they are not unique to agile methods.

But agile development is so dependent on people, collaboration and teamwork that these qualities will probably help you even more in an agile environment than they might have done before.

Here they are...

1. Take responsibility
2. Do what you say you will
3. Help others
4. Respect everyone equally
5. Be positive
6. Embrace change
7. Suggest improvements
8. Pay attention to detail
9. Have pride in your work
10. Work hard
11. Be knowledgeable
12. Share your knowledge
13. Stay professional
14. Be flexible
15. Do whatever it takes
16. Be honest
17. Be modest
18. Praise others
19. Be happy
20. Be yourself

Obviously it helps to have excellent technical ability too, but these are all behaviours you have complete control over!


Photo by jurvetson

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  1. Frances said...

    Great list Kelly - appropriate to all employees I think!

  2. Peter said...

    It's hard to believe some form of "expand your knowledge" or "learn" wouldn't make the list. Does "Be knowledgeable" cover it?

  3. Anonymous said...

    All these points are admirable of course. But I think they are just a bunch of generic features that I would look for in any person.

    In other words: Nothing to see here. Move along.

  4. Anonymous said...

    This is an excellent example of how all professionals should approach their job.

    This is an especially relevant article considering its audience. We need a more professional approach to our careers in technology.

  5. Anonymous said...

    I do not see a thing that has to do with Agile...

  6. Kelly Waters said...

    As I mentioned in the post, this list is obviously not specific to agile. However, agile has a very big emphasis on people, teamwork and collaboration. Therefore I believe that whilst these qualities are good in any environment, they are doubly important to succeed in an agile environment.


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