I recently wrote about Agile Project Initiation, and the idea of using PowerPoint as a lightweight alternative to more formal methods of kicking off projects.
Here we've implemented a presentation template, and called it the Project Initiation Presentation (PIP). On larger, agile projects, it takes the place of the PID that may have been used on more traditional projects.
This kind of presentation is typically used to present to senior management to secure funding; to present to the project team to share the vision of the project; and to present to wider stakeholders interested in the project and its outcomes.
So what would be in such a presentation?
I've posted a sample Agile Project Initiation template on the allaboutagile Google group. The information on the slides is completely made up; just a dummy project to give you an idea of what it might be like. For each slide, the slide notes provide some guidance on what should be on the slide. Of course, anything that is surplus to requirements for your project can simply be deleted as appropriate.
Hopefully you'll find it useful! Your feedback, as always, is very welcome - let me know what you think?
P.S. Click one of the icons below to join the growing community of people keeping up with this blog by RSS or by email...
Photo by David Prior

Agile Project Initiation Template
See other entries about: presentations , project management
Introducing User Stories - PowerPoint Presentation
Here's another PowerPoint presentation for you - Introducing User Stories...
To get your copy of the presentation, please click here.
For more presentations, see also:
* 10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development
* Implementing Scrum
If you find this presentation useful, please tell people about my blog... Thanks!
See other entries about: presentations , user stories
Implementing Scrum - PowerPoint Presentation
After seeing how popular my last presentation was (10 key principles of agile software development) - and following numerous requests to do another one - I've created this PowerPoint presentation about 'Implementing Scrum'.
This presentation follows my latest series about how to implement Scrum in 10 easy steps. It goes step by step, with pictures and notes on each slide from my blog. The notes are not intended to be a script, but should hopefully still be very helpful.
I'm selling this presentation for just £10. Please consider this fee a small donation towards my divorce costs :-) as I spend such a lot of my spare time blogging and I also have a day job!
If you purchase this presentation, all I ask is that you:
- credit allaboutagile.com as the source
- do not publish it (in print or on the web)
- do not circulate it (please direct people to this address)
Thanks in advance for your cooperation with the above conditions.
I sincerely hope you find the presentation useful. Your feedback is very welcome - please let me know what you think via comments on this post.
Click the button below to buy now...
See also:
10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development - PowerPoint presentation
See other entries about: presentations
Agile Presentation Materials
I'm so pleased with how popular my presentation about '10 key principles of agile software development' has been. I've received such a lot of positive feedback in my inbox - it's great to know it's been of use and that so many people have found it helpful.
I've also produced a PowerPoint presentation about 'How to implement Scrum in 10 easy steps'.
Whereas the first presentation helps to communicate some of the key underlying principles of agile development, irrespective of methodology, the Scrum presentation walks you through how to implement Scrum step by step.
I'm really hoping these presentations will help people starting out with agile development and/or Scrum, and to aid the adoption of Scrum in their organisations.
See other entries about: presentations
10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development - PowerPoint presentation
I've created a PowerPoint presentation about 10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development.
Please use or adapt it for your own presentations.
Notice the notes on each slide from my blog. They're not intended to be a script, but hopefully they're still helpful.
I've given away about 2000 copies of this presentation now, with very positive feedback. However the free period is now up; I'm now selling it for just £10. That's only the price of a light lunch and just think of the work it will save you!
If you purchase this presentation, all I ask is that you:
- credit allaboutagile.com as the source
do not publish it (in print or on the web)
- do not circulate it (please direct people to this address)
Thanks in advance for your cooperation with the above conditions. I hope you find it useful. Your feedback is very welcome. Please let me know what you think via comments on this post.
See also:
10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development
10 Good Reasons to do Agile Software Development
'Implementing Scrum' PowerPoint Presentation
See other entries about: presentations , principles