Apologies to my regular readers. Lately I've barely had time to breathe, let alone blog! As a little experiment, though, I did manage to set up a new blog...
This one's called Web-Spotting, a place where I can point out interesting things I find on the web, all relating to web publishing.
I still intend to blog here on agile development, as it's a subject close to my heart. And hopefully a little more often when my time is less scarce!
P.S. Click one of the icons below to join the growing community of people keeping up with this blog by RSS or by email...

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Computer Weekly Blog Awards
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Nominate me in IT project mangement |
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If you like my blog, why not vote for me in the Computer Weekly blog awards?!
I've been shortlisted in the project management category. So if you want to make sure agile software development is properly represented in this category, vote for 'All About Agile' now :-)
Click on the badge above to vote. It'll only take you a moment!
Many thanks in advance for your support...
P.S. Click one of the icons below to join the growing community of people keeping up with this blog by RSS or by email...
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Agile Software Development - Quick Tour
This blog is all about agile software development.
In the last year or so, I've written a lot of different entries, but I've always tried to develop themes of content so my blog wasn't just a random collection of thoughts.
For people new to my blog, or for anyone that wants a quick recap, here's a quick tour of the most popular entries..
When I first started my blog, one of my first entries was 10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development. Although this was one of my earliest posts, it has been extremely popular and to this date remains the most viewed entry on my blog.
I then went on to write further about each of the 10 Key Principles. I'm not sure why, but a few of these entries proved to be more popular than all the others. They are:
- Active user involvement is imperative!
- Time waits for no man!
- 'done' means DONE!
- Agile Development: Enough's enough!
In between writing about these 10 key principles, I also sprinkled in some random posts, some of which were quite popular; especially:
- Agile Development at full stretch
- Developers can't test for toffee
- The beauty of NOT doing agile development
- 10 good reasons to do agile development
- 20 qualities of an agile leader
- Disadvantages of agile software development
In this time, I also wrote an entry about How To Prioritise Quickly and Intuitively. To my amazement, this post was picked up and featured by lifehacker.com, which caused a massive traffic spike on my blog that day!
Another entry that attracted quite a lot of interest was Most IT Projects Fail - Will Yours?. This post was picked up by quite a few project management sites and re-published as an article.
Then I wrote another series, this time focusing on How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps. There's a bit of irony in the title, because implementing agile development and applying it effectively isn't easy actually. But I think sometimes the language used by the agile community can be over-complicated and I wanted to write something that made it simple and didn't make it sound too difficult or elitist.I've written a few entries about Agile Testing. This seems to be a particularly popular area, I think because there doesn't seem to be much information around for agile testers. And by that, I mean agile testers, not agile developers testing.
More recently I have focused on writing a whole series of posts to help people understand the concept of User Stories better, with guidance on How To Write Good User Stories.
That's it for now... I hope that's a good introduction to my blog and helps you to find some of the more popular entries and themes. I get loads of positive feedback about my blog, so I'll try to keep them coming!
P.S. Click one of the icons below to join the growing community of people reading this blog by RSS or by email.

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Agile Blogs & Web Sites
As a result of blogging about agile software development, I've stumbled across quite a lot of interesting blogs and web sites, from people who either seem to be well known and/or active in the agile blogosphere.
Here are some of my favourites...
* Agile & Business - by Joe Little
* Agile Advice - by Mishkin Berteig
* Agile Blog - by Dave Nicolette
* Agile Daily
* Agile Development Thoughts - by Damon Poole
* Agile In Action - by Simon Baker
* Agile Software Development - by Artem Marchenko
* Agile Thinking - by Tobias Mayer
* Esther Derby - Author of Agile Retrospectives
* George Dinwiddie's Blog
* Getting Agile - by Chris Sterling
* Implementing Scrum - by Mike Vizdos
* James Shore
* LitheSpeed - by Sanjiv Augustine
* Notes from a Tool User - by Mark Levison
* On Agile - by Ryan Cooper
* Pair Coaching - by Yves Hanoulle
* Partnership & Possibilities - by Diane Larsen
* Scrum Log - by Jeff Sutherland
* Succeeding with Agile - by Mike Cohn
* Wayne Allen's Weblog
* XProgramming - by Ron Jeffries
I hope you like my selection...
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Happy Birthday 'All About Agile'
It amazes me to think I've been blogging for a year now. Happy 1st birthday 'all about agile'!
It all started as an experiment. A way to learn more about blogging. I never really intended to keep doing it. But it's been an amazing year...
Below are some stats from my first year as a blogger:
* I've posted about 100 entries
* About 75,000 unique users have visited my blog, between them over 100,000 times
* Over 285,000 pages has been viewed
* From people in 166 countries
* And about 1,000 people subscribe to my blog, either by email or by RSS
It's been hard work at times. But it's been more popular than I ever imagined. And most importantly of all, I've learnt so much.
Thank you all for reading!
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'Agile Daily' Recommends All About Agile Blog
At last - Agile Daily loves me after all :-)
Agile Daily is a daily digest of agile blogs, with a computer-generated ranking engine to work out which blogs are getting the most attention on a given day.
The number of visitors to my blog has been growing steadily since I started it nearly a year ago now.
And yet, for some reason Agile Daily has never really acknowledged me.
I know my blog is getting several times more traffic than some blogs it has recommended before, because I've talked to other bloggers in the agile blogosphere. And even when I've had spikes in my traffic, like the time I got a massive spike from being picked up by lifehacker, Agile Daily still seemed to ignore me.
But being the kind of confident (egotistical) person I am, I assumed their ranking engine must be wrong :-)
Anyway, finally they have acknowledged my blog, and I was delighted to see at the time of writing I'm listed fourth in the blogs with the most attention today.
Agile Daily, and all the people reading my blog, happy valentines to you too :-)
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Advertise here!
Why not advertise on allaboutagile.com?
It's 100% focused on agile software development, so all my readers are potential customers for agile products or services. It's currently attracting about 40,000 page views a month, so it's proving very popular with the agile community!
Please note, however, I will only accept adverts for related topics that are relevant to my readers - that is people in the software development industry.
To discuss further, please email me at .
All About Agile Top 10
I've been writing this blog for about 6 months now...
"What?!", I hear you say, "You've been writing for 6 months and all you've come up with is this lousy blog!!".
Well, I do have a day job you know :-)
In that time, I've been pleasantly surprised about how popular my blog has become. So I thought I'd post this list of my top 10 most-visited posts for any late-comers...
1. 10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development
2. A sad indictment of the software development industry
3. 10 key principles... PowerPoint presentation
4. Disadvantages of agile software development
5. Most IT projects fail. Will yours?
6. 10 good reasons to do agile development
7. Agile principle #8: Enough's enough
8. Why most IT projects fail. And how agile principles help
9. Agile principle #1: Active user involvement is imperative
10. How to prioritise quickly and intuitively
Hopefully my next 10 will be just as popular :-)
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Agile Development Reaches Every 'Corner' of the Globe
Agile Software Development is a worldwide phenomena.
My blog has only been going since late Feb 2007. There's no reason for me to think that interest in agile development would be limited to only a few local areas. However, I've been amazed at how many countries my visitors have come from.
147 countries, no less!
Check out this list, in order of most visitors...
- United States
- United Kingdom
- India
- Canada
- Japan
- Australia
- Germany
- Sweden
- Netherlands
- Brazil
- France
- Italy
- Finland
- Norway
- Argentina
- Spain
- Belgium
- Denmark
- China
- Israel
- New Zealand
- Poland
- Singapore
- Ireland
- South Africa
- Switzerland
- Philippines
- Malaysia
- Turkey
- Mexico
- Pakistan
- Romania
- Portugal
- Austria
- Russia
- Taiwan
- Ukraine
- Czech Republic
- Indonesia
- Slovenia
- Slovakia
- Bulgaria
- Thailand
- Greece
- Croatia
- South Korea
- Egypt
- Hong Kong
- Iran
- Chile
- Iceland
- United Arab Emirates
- Vietnam
- Europe
- Russian Federation
- Lithuania
- Sri Lanka
- Colombia
- Hungary
- Iran
- Estonia
- Venezuela
- Latvia
- Cyprus
- Uruguay
- Peru
- Serbia And Montenegro
- Belarus
- Korea
- Luxembourg
- Costa Rica
- Malta
- Bangladesh
- Saudi Arabia
- Jordan
- Bolivia
- Palestinian Territory
- Yugoslavia
- Morocco
- Kuwait
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Kenya
- Puerto Rico
- Panama
- Guatemala
- Nigeria
- El Salvador
- Nepal
- Tunisia
- Mauritius
- Barbados
- Macedonia
- Jamaica
- Lebanon
- Algeria
- Bahrain
- Paraguay
- Cuba
- Sudan
- Kazakhstan
- Ecuador
- Oman
- Myanmar
- Kyrgyzstan
- Netherlands Antilles
- Ghana
- Brunei
- Madagascar
- Rwanda
- Armenia
- Dominican Republic
- Mongolia
- Cambodia
- French Polynesia
- Tanzania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Qatar
- Moldova
- Yemen
- Uzbekistan
- Nicaragua
- Zimbabwe
- Ivory Coast
- Uganda
- Iraq
- Brunei Darussalam
- lbania
- Moldova
- Macau
- Mozambique
- Cape Verde
- Syria
- Liberia
- Honduras
- Macao
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Virgin Islands, U.S.
- Cayman Islands
- Faroe Islands
- Bermuda
- Greenland
- Mali
- East Timor
- Gibraltar
- Guam
- American Samoa
- Angola
Amazing! 147 countries including places I never imagined would be interested in agile development.
Everywhere from United States to the Far East, South America to Australisia, Skandanavia to Africa, Middle East to Eastern Europe. In fact every continent except Antarctica!
And virtually every country I've ever heard of, as well as some I haven't! :-)
Welcome all, and thank you for reading...
See also:
10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development
10 Good Reasons to do Agile Development
Top 10 Agile Development web sites
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Agile In Action: The Value of Simplicity
If you like my blog, I think you'll love this blog from Simon Baker. I particularly like this entry about the value of keeping things simple...
Agile In Action: Keep it lean
Photo by Stewart
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