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10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development - PowerPoint presentation

by Kelly Waters

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10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development - PowerPoint presentation
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Ive created a PowerPoint presentation about 10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development.

Please use or adapt it for your own presentations.

Notice the notes on each slide from my blog. They're not intended to be a script, but hopefully they're still helpful.

I've given away about 2000 copies of this presentation now, with very positive feedback. However the free period is now up; I'm now selling it for just $15. That's only the price of a light lunch and just think of the work it will save you!

When you buy this presentation, you will also get access to another presentation, How To Implement Scrum in 10 Easy Steps, free of charge!

Alternatively, why not buy my eBook? It's only $25 and includes both sets of slides as well as my 55 page eBook, Agile Software Development Made Easy!

If you purchase this presentation, all I ask is that you:
  • credit agile-software-development.com as the source
  • do not publish it (in print or on the web)
  • do not circulate it (please direct people to this address)

Thanks in advance for your cooperation with the above conditions. I hope you find it useful. Your feedback is very welcome. Please let me know what you think via comments on this post.

Click the button below to buy now...

10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development
10 Good Reasons to do Agile Software Development
'Implementing Scrum' PowerPoint Presentation

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Loath the downloader! The ppt is worth it in the end though - good job.

  2. Rob said...

    Thank you very much for producing this, very good slides and notes.

    Much Appreciated!

  3. Thomas Eyde said...

    Indeed. Filecrunch isn't exactly user friendly. I don't believe in their business model...

  4. Alex said...

    Good job!

    Very good presentation! It's bright, fascinating and have big motivating strength! Another one hit in the bull's eye!

  5. ChrisC said...

    Uh, I don't see a problem with the downloader...after the short wait the file downloaded in like 3 seconds.

    Nice presentation!

  6. Mário Marinato said...

    Is that the new Power Point?

  7. Kelly Waters said...

    Yes, it's PowerPoint 2007. However I haven't used any new features in the slides, as it's saved as PP2003 so I could share it more widely.

    Microsoft have changed PowerPoint significantly, so as a new user it's hard to find the stuff you're familiar with. I'm sure it's all perfectly logical if you're not used to the older versions, but that only helps people from Mars :-)

    The templates are better though, and the usability of the new software is much nicer in my view...


  8. Mike said...

    There are many browser based slideshow applications just for situations like this.

    Check http://www.thumbstacks.com/

  9. Rouxmout said...

    this is pure non-sense
    sorry, but it isn't agile at all talking about agility in a way like 'agility to me means..'. concept of agility in oop means relevance. and personal opinion is never relevant in programming.
    you never stuck on that?

  10. Kelly Waters said...

    To be honest, I'm not sure I really understand the last comment from 'rouxmout'.

    This presentation (and my blog) is about managing software development with agile principles such as those outlined in the agile manifesto and those inherent in methodologies like Scrum, XP and DSDM.

    It's not about agility that comes from good software architecture and design, which is something I also believe strongly in but have made no comments about anywhere on this blog or in the presentation, because that's not really the topic at hand.

    About the point "personal opinion is never relevant in programming", that really is utter nonsense. How can anyone form a view of the best approach to anything if no-one has an opinion. By contrast, I say that someone with no opinion is irrelevant.


  11. Wor Tony said...

    Nice one Kelly, I like this presentation, particularly the grpahical non bullet point list style a lot.

    I'm going to have a crack at using this to present agile development to some new non-agile people and to refresh some existing agile developers. I'll let you know how it goes and the feedback I receive.

    One question, I'd like to put this on to our compnay intranet, must I link to allaboutagile.com as we don't have internet access from the intranet at the mo?



  12. Kelly Waters said...

    Thanks for the feedback, I hope it goes well and I'd certainly be interested in hearing any comments.

    Please feel free to post it on your intranet. I would be grateful if you could leave the reference to allaboutagile.com in the slides, or refer to it for further reading...

    Kind regards

  13. Clinton Keith said...

    FileCrunch is terrible. I almost gave up after several minutes. Given the size of the file and the number of people likely to download it, you could just post it on your site.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Andrés Taylor said...

    I agree with Clinton. I'm interested in downloading your presentation, but FileCrunch won't let me. An alternative would be appreciated.

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