Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts

Agile Project Planning

Agile Project PlanningProjects are a necessary evil :-) But necessary they are.

Some people really feel the need to understand precisely what the project will cost and exactly long it will take. If this is the basis for investment, of course that's a completely understandable feeling.

For years, traditional waterfall projects have been sold on the false pretense that projects are predictable. Plannable. Of course the reality is, projects are highly unpredictable, and - sadly - that's why so many projects fail to meet expectations.

So when you need to plan a project, in order to forecast the overall costs and timescales, how do you do this for an agile project?

Well, of course, agile development is no silver bullet.

If you are bad at planning, bad at identifying and sticking to at least the broad scope of the project, bad at estimating until you have all the details, bad at controlliong delivery, an agile project plan is likely to be just as bad as a non-agile one!

The benefits of agile development are more to do with early realisation of business value, early visibility when things are going off track, collaboration and regular feedback to ensure quality and provide the right solution, and so on.

Yes, there are also some important benefits in the approach to estimating, but fundamentally, planning a complete project up-front and committing to costs and timescales is still, of course, a potentially potted process. A process full of pitfalls. And a process that requires great skill and experience to get anywhere close to predicting something that will resemble reality.

But, with that caveat in mind, here's how agile project planning works...

Agile project planning is generally referred to as 'release planning'. The concept of an agile release plan is about planning multiple Sprints that culminate in a release of the product. It is not necessarily project-oriented, however the concept for projects is of course the same.


First of all, you really need to get your Product Backlog in order!

The Product Backlog is essentially a feature list. Above all, it's user-oriented and lists features in a language that business people and users understand. It's not technical. And it's not a list of tasks. Do not attempt to list all the tasks for the project and identify all the dependencies. Just list all the features the project needs to deliver.

Also include any lasting deliverables that are not necessarily part of the software. For example a User Manual, or a Technical Reference Document for any API's. However do not list the *temporary* deliverables that are just part of delivering a feature. For example don't list the analysis tasks or design documents for each feature. Try to keep it as a list of product features and only include deliverables that outlive the project.

What I'm about to say is an important point about any planning process, whether it's agile or not, so listen up! :-)

There are generally only two things that cause your plan to fail: 1) You under-estimate the things you've identified; and 2) you don't manage to identify everything . If you only estimate the items you identify, the quality of your Product Backlog is a critical success factor for your project.


So surely I have to do a complete analysis up-front to make sure I've identified everything, right? Yes and no. If you're going to plan a complete project, even if it's an agile project, you do need to do *enough* analysis to identify all the features you think you need to deliver.

However, unlike in a traditional analysis with a specification, you really do not need to identify all the details about how each feature will work. Just enough analysis to list all the features, with a degree of confidence that the broad scope of the system is covered. The details can be left until later, and be dealt with just in time for the feature to be developed.

So it's very important that the Product Backlog is at an appropriate level of detail. This, in itself, is a mysterious art. If the items are too detailed, and you estimate only what you've identified, there is a high chance you'll miss some things out. But if the items are not detailed enough, there's a high chance your estimates will be wrong.

Because agile estimating (which I'm coming on to) is based on broad, relative size of each feature, you do not have to break down the features too small at this early stage when trying to estimate the overall project.

For example, it's probably sufficient to know that users will need to be able to register and log in. It's probably not necessary to itemise what details they will need to enter to register, and how the system will authenticate the login. Unlike traditional projects, you certainly don't need to worry about how long will the fields be and what validation will be needed, and minor details like that. The details can be sorted out later.

When you are reasonably confident you have a comprehensive Product Backlog that broadly covers the scope of the project, listing all the features that need to be delivered by the project - not too detailed but detailed enough to compare the relative size of each feature - you are ready to do your estimates.


First of all, do your estimates as a team. 'Planning poker' is a method where each team member writes their estimate on a card and all team members reveal their estimate at the same time. This is quite fun to do and is a great way to get everyone's estimate before they are influenced by others. Wild discrepencies in people's estimates are a great discussion point, a way to identify differences in understanding early on, and a way to understand different people's perspectives about the implementation.

Secondly, estimate your features in points. Many agile teams use the Fibonacci numbering system to do this. The points represent the relative size of each feature. For example, a feature with a 2 is roughly twice the size of a 1, which is very simple. A feature with a 5 is a bit more than twice the size of a 2, and a 21 is much more difficult.

Basically it's the relatively of this estimating approach that is important, not the number itself. The philosophy is that people can't really tell you accurately how many days or hours it will take to implement something they know little about, but they can tell you whether they expect it, on average, to be easier or harder than something else.

When the whole Product Backlog has been estimated, you now know the 'size' of your project, but it's in abstract points rather than in real units of time. How do you convert this into a cost and timescale?


If you are going to utilise an existing team that are already doing agile, and you know their average Velocity per Sprint, it's easy. Just calculate how many Sprints it would take to burn-down the number of points on your project's product backlog.

If, however, you're establishing a new team, that has not done agile before, you have no idea what their Velocity might be and this is another potted part of the planning process. Basically you need to make an assumption about the team size and its Velocity. In this case, this how I would do it...

Get more than 1 developer, of varying skill and experience, to look at a small section of the Product Backlog. Ask them how much they think they could complete in a single Sprint. Remember to explain what you mean by complete, i.e. done means DONE!, so you know everyone is working to the same basic assumptions.

Compare the number of points each developer has effectively said they can complete in a Sprint and decide what you consider to be a reasonable average based on what you've heard. Using that average number of points, assume that's your Velocity (per person) and calculate the number of Sprints you would need to complete the entire Product Backlog. This calculation will give you your approximate project duration based on 1 developer.


Now you can make an assumption about the size of your team, based on the available people, the target timescales or the amount of funding you could potentially raise, and cost it up accordingly.

As with all projects, it would be wise to add a contingency. As I mentioned earlier, it's often the features you didn't list that cause a plan to fail. The contingency should reflect your level of confidence in the quality of the Product Backlog. If you think it is thorough, and the project is unlikely to be prone to lots of change, maybe you should add about 10-20% to your project. Otherwise it might be wise to add more.

Remember, though - although agile estimating and planning does have some distinct advantages, it is not a silver bullet. The care and attention you put into this process, along with the skill and experience of your team, in the end will really determine how likely your plan is to succeed.


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Agile Release Planning

agile release planning A software release may result from multiple iterations (or 'Sprints' in Scrum).

Sprint Planning is about planning what's included in the next iteration.

Whereas Release Planning is about planning multiple Sprints, in order to predict when a release (or releases) might be delivered.

Release Planning is a very simple way of doing some top-down planning. Much less complex than a more traditional project plan on a Gantt-chart. Therefore much quicker to do. And, I would say, no more or less accurate.

First of all, let's assume you already have your Product Backlog (feature list), with all your User Stories set out in priority order. Let's also assume that you've estimated your product backlog, ideally using Story Points.

If you already have an established team doing Scrum or XP (eXtreme Programming), use the team's known Velocity to divide the Product Backlog into Sprints.

However, if the team is not already using Scrum or XP, you need to estimate the team's Velocity. To do this, you must first make an assumption about the team size that is likely for the release. Then, you need to decide on your Sprint duration and, ideally with the input of the team, decide how many of the initial User Stories you think could reasonably be achieved in a Sprint. Add up the Story Points for these items. Using this number of Story Points as the team's estimated Velocity, divide the Product Backlog into Sprints.

If the project team is not already established, add a 'Sprint Zero' at the beginning to get things ready for the first Sprint, for instance getting the team organised, briefing meetings, setting up development and test environments, preparing the first set of User Stories, etc.

If it's a large or complex release, add a 'Stabilisation Sprint' (or more than one Sprint if appropriate) at the end to stabilise the release. By this, for instance, I mean stop adding new features, complete regression testing, bring the defect count down to an acceptable level, prepare for deployment, etc.

If the predicted end date is not acceptable for the project's objectives, alter the assumption about the team size (and associated costs!) and re-calculate.

And there you have it! A Release Plan that provides an outline of the Sprints, what's included in each, and an estimated date for the release.

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Software Complexity + Human Frailty + Changing Circumstances = ???

If we accept the above formula, why in non agile development methods is there so much emphasis on analysis, planning and change control?

High level planning, such as a feature list (or Product Backlog in Scrum), and an outline plan based on the affordable team size; Yes. Otherwise you've no idea what you're in for.

But a detailed specification and detailed plan? I don't think so.

Two problems...

First, they give an artificial impression of accuracy, which given the above formula is unlikely to be possible, however firm it seems at the start.

Second, detailed analysis and detailed planning takes a long time, and given the unlikely accuracy, in my experience it's simply not worth the effort.

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Understanding Your Velocity

In a few entries on my blog, I have referred to Velocity and only briefly explained what it is. I think it's about time I explain properly for those not familiar with it.

Velocity is terminology from the Scrum agile methodology and is basically the same concept as Earned Value in more traditional project management methods.

This is how it works...

  1. Select a regular time period over which to measure Velocity. If you're using fixed Sprints or iterations, use that time period. Otherwise you can use weeks, fortnights or months. It doesn't really matter which as long as you're consistent.

  2. Add up the estimates for all the tasks/deliverables/features in your chosen time period. It doesn't matter whether the estimates are in days, hours or even in relative points.

  3. Only include the estimates for any items that are 100% complete and signed off within the time period. Anything still in progress counts as zero, as there is no value in incomplete work.

  4. At the end of the chosen time period, the figure you have is your Velocity (or Earned Value).

You can then use your Velocity as a basis for your future commitments. As a result, it is self-correcting.

For example, let's say you estimate in hours and track your Velocity in 2 week Sprints. You know, therefore, there are 70 hours available in a Sprint, but find you tend to deliver a Velocity of 50 hours (because of under-estimating and other interruptions throughout the day). Tracking this trend will allow you to commit to your 'norm' of 50 hours per Sprint in future, because you know that's what you usually manage to achieve.

As a consequence of this approach, you don't need to be any good at estimating, and don't need to get any better at it. As long as you're consistently bad, you will still get better at delivering on your commitments.

In my experience, it's just as common for people to over-estimate by being too cautious. Velocity is also self-correcting this way around...

If, for example, you find you tend to reach a Velocity of 90 hours in your 70 hour Sprint, you are probably not a super-hero code warrier that eats problems for breakfast. You are probably just being too cautious in your estimating. In this case, in future commit to 90 hours. This might sound counter-intuitive, but go on. I dare you :-)

Although Velocity and Earned Value are project management techniques, why not know your own Velocity. If you do, you'll find you can gauge much more accurately how much work you can really commit to. Even if you're lousy at estimating!

And guess what? Everyone loves someone who delivers on their promises.

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What's The Point In Estimating?

agile software development - estimating using fibonacci numbers as pointsOne technique used by agile development teams is the idea of estimating product features using points. This has a few distinct advantages over estimating in physical units of time.

1. Estimating is very quick because it's an intuitive estimate of a feature's size.

2. An estimate in points indicates a feature's size relative to another, and does not give the illusion of being precise.

3. Over time, and using consistent iterations (e.g. 2-week sprints), you get a strong feel for how many points a team can deliver in an iteration. Even if a team is bad at estimating, as long as they're consistently bad, this makes a team's commitments self-correcting.

Some agile teams use Fibonacci numbers to do this. Fibonacci numbers are a sequence where each number is the sum of the previous two, i.e:

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 ...

Using Fibonacci adds an element of science to the concept of estimating using points, adding the laws of distribution as a dimension.

If you're interested in understanding more about the scientific background of Fibonacci numbers - which weren't invented for agile development by the way! - you might be interested to listen to this Radio 4 podcast on Fibonacci...

See also:
How to estimate your product backlog

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How To Implement Scrum In 10 Easy Steps - Step #4: Sprint Planning (Tasks)

Once you’ve completed Step #3 and clarified the requirements for all the Product Backlog items targeted for your Sprint, the next step is to plan the Sprint in detail

Sprint Planning Workshop (Part 2)

The first part of the Sprint Planning Workshop (in the last step of this series) was focused on clarifying the requirements for the selected Product Backlog. The second part of the Sprint Planning Workshop is focused on breaking the requirements into tasks and estimating the hours required to complete them.

Although Part 2 of the workshop can follow straight on from the first part, it is sometimes helpful for there to be a short gap between the two meetings; maybe 1 day. This allows time to clarify any outstanding questions arising from part 1 of the workshop before proceeding with the next step.

Make sure the meeting is attended by all team members. Include all roles. Business Analysts if you have them. Testers if you have them. ALL Developers on the Scrum team for the product.

The Product Owner and any customer, user or business representatives need not attend this part (part 2) of the Sprint Planning workshop, as it’s likely to be more technical in nature and is more about the team working out how the selected backlog items will be delivered.

However, they should be welcome to attend if they wish, which may help their understanding of what’s involved to deliver the features, and may help if any further clarification is required as the tasks are discussed and estimated.

Set the Sprint Budget

First of all, calculate the team’s Sprint Budget. This is the available number of hours the team has to work on the Sprint.

Start by multiplying the available hours in the Sprint Duration by the number of full-time people in the Sprint. For people who are working part-time in the Sprint, include the number of hours they can commit to.

Then, make any reasonable deductions for time that team members will not be able to spend working on the Sprint. Deduct holidays, any known meetings, any time likely to be spent working on other projects, etc. Based on past experience, deduct a reasonable amount of time for support, if appropriate.

Make sure all these calculations are transparent and visible to all.

Break Requirements into Tasks

Go through each Product Backlog item selected for the Sprint. Break the requirements into tasks.

Tasks may include the traditional steps in a development lifecycle (although limited to the feature in question, not the entire product). For instance: Design, Development, Unit Testing, System Testing, UAT (User Acceptance Testing), Documentation, etc.

Remember, agile software development methods do not exclude these steps. Agile methods just advocate doing the steps feature-by-feature, just in time, instead of in big phases.

Each of these tasks, especially development, may be broken down further. Maybe to a component level detailing each of the individual elements of the software architecture that will be required to deliver the feature of the product.

Include all tasks necessary to make the Product Backlog item 100% complete – i.e. potentially shippable – within the Sprint. Agree as a team on your definition of done, so everyone is aware what will have to be completed and included in the estimates.

State tasks as deliverables, if at all possible. Deliverables are more measurable than tasks. Instead of describing what you’re going to do, describe what you’re going to deliver.

Estimate Tasks in Hours

Keep tasks small. Estimate all tasks in hours. Estimate each task as a team.

Ask everyone what they think, in order to identify missed tasks, or to identify simpler solutions.
Ideally task estimates should be no more than 1 day. If an estimate is much larger than this, the requirements should be broken down further so the tasks are smaller. Although this can be difficult, it will get easier with practice.

Keeping tasks small enough to estimate at less than 1 day has some specific benefits.
Firstly, breaking tasks down into very small chunks means they are easier to estimate. The accuracy of your estimating will be improved as a result. Secondly, tasks less than 1 day are more measurable in the daily Scrum (stand-up meeting). 1 day tasks are either done or they are not.

Commit to the Sprint Backlog

Add up all the task estimates for the selected Product Backlog.

If they are significantly over the team’s Sprint Budget, reduce the number of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint. Remember the Product Backlog was in priority order, so if possible it should be the lower item(s) on the backlog that are removed from the Sprint.

The remaining list of estimated Tasks – those tasks needed to complete the selected Product Backlog within the Sprint - is your Sprint Backlog.

The team should commit to delivering the Sprint Backlog.

Identify Stretch Tasks

Sometimes teams under-commit or over-estimate. Stranger things have happened! :-)

In my experience this is quite common when teams are new to Scrum. I think it’s because they are unfamiliar with the process and potentially out of their comfort zone initially. They may not have had much experience of estimating in the past. And they may not have been asked to commit to their own delivery before. This can sometimes result in an over-cautious approach to the estimates.

Always include some additional scope in your Sprint Backlog, over and above what you think can be achieved. This is important in order to have something ready if the team delivers early, as the Sprint should ideally remain a fixed length.

Clearly identify these items as Stretch Tasks. The Product Owner should never expect Stretch Tasks to be reached. No-one should ever be beaten up if Stretch Tasks are never reached. And if you do manage to complete any Stretch Tasks, this should be cause for celebration!

So now you’ve got your backlog in order, estimated your backlog, clarified your requirements, and planned your sprint. Now you’re ready for Step #5 – Create a collaborative workspace

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See also:
How to implement Scrum in 10 easy steps:
- Step #1: Get your backlog in order!
- Step #2: How to estimate your product backlog
- Step #3: Sprint Planning/clarify requirements
- Step #4: Sprint Planning/estimate tasks
- Step #5: Create a collaborative workspace
- Step #6: Sprint!
- Step #7: Stand up and be counted!
- Step #8: Track progress with a daily burndown chart
- Step #9: Finish when you said you would
- Step #10: Review, reflect, repeat...

'Implementing Scrum' PowerPoint Presentation

10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development

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How To Implement Scrum In 10 Easy Steps - Step #3: Sprint Planning (Requirements)

If you've followed the first 2 steps in this series, you should now have your product backlog in order and have estimated its size using Fibonacci points.

The next step - Step #3 - is to plan your Sprint.

Sprint Planning Workshop

Call a Sprint Planning meeting. Make sure the meeting is attended by the whole team. Include all roles. Business Analysts if you have them. Testers if you have them. ALL Developers on the Scrum team for the product. And very importantly the Product Owner.

The first thing you must do (in your first Sprint Planning meeting) is decide on your Sprint duration. This decision should be taken as a team.

Decide Your Sprint Duration

This is an important decision. Scrum suggests 30 days. It might be right. But this is one point that seems to be widely adapted by agile teams practicing Scrum.

The optimum Sprint duration depends on many factors. Something I read recently suggested that a development team's 'cycle time' is a direct reflection of the maturity of their processes. I think I would agree with that statement.

A team with immature processes will find the intensity of Scrum and the overhead of Sprint Planning, Testing, Deployment and Review quite onerous for a short Sprint cycle. Whereas teams with very mature processes (for example automated testing, automated deployment, and teams who've become very quick at Sprint Planning), a short cycle might be very comfortable.

I'd suggest the range is between 1 week and 1 month. 1 week is probably the shortest that will ever be practical, although if you really master agile practices, why not ship each new feature when it's ready? (if that's appropriate for the product). 1 month should certainly be the longest.

For fast-moving products or markets, such as web-based products - where there is central deployment and no rollout or user training - 1 month seems like a lifetime! Personally I like 2 week Sprints for fast moving products.

Mike Cohn is one of the key exponents of agile development. See here for Mike's article giving further advice about how to select the optimum iteration length.

Keep Sprint Duration Consistent

Whatever Sprint duration you choose to go for, my advice is to keep it consistent.

This, in fact, is more important than the length itself. Because it's this consistency that allows you to get into a rythm. It's this consistency that makes your process very repeatable. And therefore helps you to get into your stride as a team. And it's this consistency that allows you to start understanding how many Product Backlog points you can typically do in a Sprint.

Once you've decided, you can now set up a Sprint Planning Workshop as a recurring appointment before every Sprint.

Select Target Backlog for Sprint

Now you've decided on your Sprint duration. Next you must decide on the goal for the Sprint...

Looking at the top section of the Product Backlog, what would seem to be a reasonable goal to set for the Sprint? Can you express an objective that sums up the goal for the next Sprint, or at least pick a section of items/features from the top of the Product Backlog that the team thinks can be achieved in the Sprint duration?

Select your target backlog for the Sprint. Make this decision as a team.

Include a bit more than you think can be achieved. It's important to prepare more items during planning in case the team finishes early. These items can be clearly identified as stretch tasks and the Product Owner should not expect them to be completed. These are the things you will only do if the Sprint goes better than you expected.

In future Sprints, you will be able to use your Scrum team's previous Velocity to help with this decision. Velocity is the number of Product Backlog Points delivered in a Sprint. This tends to fluctuate wildly early on when adopting Scrum. But it will settle down as the team get into a rythm, and in future provide you with a reasonable norm to base your target backlog on.

Clarify Sprint Requirements

Take each item on the Product Backlog. It's important to go through them methodically, one item at a time...

The Product Owner presents each item and explains how he/she sees it working from a functional perspective.

The whole team discusses the item in detail. The whole team asks questions about the feature in order to establish what it should do and how it should work.

The outcomes of this discussion should be captured on a whiteboard or flipchart, or someone could write notes on a laptop as the discussion progresses. Interactive or printable whiteboards are ideal for this process.

You can use whatever form of writing requirements you want to. But the important principle in Scrum, and in any agile development methodology, is that you write requirements feature by feature, just before they are developed.

Write requirements in a way that is lightweight and visual. Agile requirements should be barely sufficient. The fact the features will be developed and tested within the next few weeks, and by the team that were present, makes this possible.

Consider writing 'User Stories', a concept from XP (extreme programming). It's beyond the scope of this article to explain user stories in any detail. But the basic concept is to write features using this construct: As a [type of user], I want to [do whatever], so I can [achieve what goal].
The story can be backed up by a sketch of the UI, a wireframe or visuals. Annotate the sketch to describe the functionality. Backed it up with statements about how it will be confirmed (or tested). This will help to identify scenarios up front, before it's developed.

For more information about user stories, Mike Cohn has written a book, User Stories Applied.


Once you have clarified the requirements for all the Product Backlog items targeted for your Sprint, the next step - Step #4 - is Sprint Planning (Part 2). In this step you will plan the Sprint in detail...

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See also:
How to implement Scrum in 10 easy steps:
- Step #1: Get your backlog in order!
- Step #2: How to estimate your product backlog
- Step #3: Sprint Planning/clarify requirements
- Step #4: Sprint Planning/estimate tasks
- Step #5: Create a collaborative workspace
- Step #6: Sprint!
- Step #7: Stand up and be counted!
- Step #8: Track progress with a daily burndown chart
- Step #9: Finish when you said you would
- Step #10: Review, reflect, repeat...

'Implementing Scrum' PowerPoint Presentation

10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development

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How To Implement Scrum In 10 Easy Steps - Step #2: How To Estimate Your Product Backlog

In step 1 - my first article in this series - I described 'how to get your backlog in order'.

If you've completed step 1, congratulations! Because it's the biggest step. And the foundation for all else that follows. Whether or not you implement Scrum.

If you haven't completed step 1, you must not go any further until you have.

So here's Step #2: How to estimate your Product Backlog...

High Level Estimates

You need to provide some high-level initial estimates, in order to get an idea of the size of your product backlog items.

This is helpful because it helps to inform the decision about priorities. And whether or not the features are likely to be worthwhile. And from a management point of view, gives a perspective of how big the team ought to be, commercials permitting.

But as yet, you don't know much about the items on the backlog. You don't know exactly what the features are meant to do. You don't know what tasks are needed to complete them. And you don't really know how you will implement them.

So you have to do a very high level, top down, indicative estimate. In fact it's a guestimate. Not an estimate at all really.

How many times have you heard someone say, 'don't worry, I won't hold you to it; I just need a rough idea'? And of course they do hold you to it. Of course they do!

Estimate Product Backlog in Points

The answer: Estimate your product backlog in points. Not in units of time.

Repeat: Estimate your product backlog in points, not in units of time.

No, I haven't gone mad. I know it sounds a bit whacky. But I'm going to ask you to trust me on this one; it does have its reasons, some of which will only become clear later in the series.

In the meantime, I ask you to accept that development teams are more readily able to give guestimates of 'size', without giving an estimate in time that they might be held to, and without having all the gory details.

So we're not asking the team 'how long will it take?'. We're asking 'how big is it?'

I also ask you to accept that Product Owners are more inclined to take this as a guestimate - as it's intended - and not as a premature commitment.

Now I realise that points could be seen as useless to a Product Owner in terms of making a business case for funding. Certainly until a team has a track record and we know roughly how many points they tend to deliver in an iteration. But I'll come to that later. Certainly, it is still helpful for prioritisation and to get across the relative size of a feature to a Product Owner.

Use a Points System

So what scale should you use for your points system?

Personally I like Fibonacci numbers.

For clever people, click on the link above to understand what Fibonacci numbers are all about. For simpler people like me :-) they're basically a sequence of numbers that some very old and very clever people (generally Italian, as per usual) have worked out have a slightly spooky, but very scientific significance. And this significance all relates to physics and the laws of distribution.

More about Fibonacci is really beyond the scope of this article, but they are a scientifically significant set of numbers, where each number is the sum of the previous two. They are:

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 ...

For the sake of simplicity, when using these numbers for indicating size, I would suggest you use the range 1-21. Certainly for bug fixes and enhancements on products in the BAU (Business As Usual) cycle, this should give you sufficient a range. Maybe reserve 987 for that daft request you get sometimes to fly to the moon and back in an ice-cream carton :-)

The key here is about relativity.

A backlog item describes a feature. Maybe, for example, it's a report. You've done similar reports before, but it does have some complexity in the underlying data, so you decide to call this a 3.

Next on the backlog is another report. You size this one relative to the other one. Is it bigger or smaller. Clearly 21 is a lot bigger. 2 is a bit smaller. And so on.

To make sure the scale works for you, I suggest you start by picking what you think is the smallest thing on the backlog. Give this a 1. Then find the thing you think is the biggest thing on the backlog. Give this a 21.

Now you have your markers, size the backlog, working from the top, using the Fibonacci numbers.

When you get further down the backlog, you'll get to a point where the items are really rather fuzzy. And rather low priority. In fact you not sure you'll ever get to them in your lifetime. Please don't feel you have to size the entire backlog. Size enough of the items to see you through the foreseeable future. Remember it's already been put in priority order. So make sure you work from the top.

Estimate as a Team

Size your backlog as a team. There's a whole philosophy about the Wisdom of Crowds. Two minds are better than one, etc, etc. If there are big differences, use this as a discussion point to understand why. Did one person see issues and complications the other person didn't? Did one person see a nice simple approach that others didn't?

Consider playing Planning Poker. This is a fun technique to ensure that people don't influence each other. Each team member writes their estimate on a card, and everyone shows their answer at the same time. It helps to ensure less experienced members of the team are equally engaged and are not over-influenced by more experienced team members. It also helps less experienced estimators to learn from others. And it helps to avoid stronger, more vocal characters having too over-bearing an influence on the result.

From this exercise, negotiate the size of each backlog item as a team.

Review Priorities

Once you've sized up the backlog - or enough of it - ask the Product Owner to have another quick look at priorities. Maybe now they can see the relative size of the features they've asked for, they might change their view of priorities. 'Wow, if that's a 21, I'd rather have the other stuff first', or 'if that's only a 2, let's get it in the next release'. If any priorities are changed, simply move the item's position in the order of the backlog.

Stick with the Programme

Resist the urge to adapt this step. Ken Schwaber's book 'Agile Software Development with Scrum', which is highly recommended by the way, says this: If you are not yet an expert in a subject matter (e.g. Scrum) do not attempt to adapt it. Scrum is an adaptive process. But you are in no position to adapt it until you know it well, and have experienced it in operation.

Sizing up your backlog using points in one thing I would encourage you not to adapt until you've tried it, and tried it over a period of several Sprints so you can start to see the effects.

Next in the series: Step #3: Sprint Planning/Requirements

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See also:
How to implement Scrum in 10 easy steps:
- Step #1: Get your backlog in order!
- Step #2: How to estimate your product backlog
- Step #3: Sprint Planning/clarify requirements
- Step #4: Sprint Planning/estimate tasks
- Step #5: Create a collaborative workspace
- Step #6: Sprint!
- Step #7: Stand up and be counted!
- Step #8: Track progress with a daily burndown chart
- Step #9: Finish when you said you would
- Step #10: Review, reflect, repeat...

'Implementing Scrum' PowerPoint Presentation

10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development

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How To Prioritise - Part II

How To Prioritise - Part III recently posted an entry on my blog about how to prioritise quickly and intuitively.

I presented a 2d matrix with importance (business value) on one axis and difficulty (effort/complexity/cost/risk) on the other.

It's a simplistic approach, but then that's what I like about it. Simple beats complicated any day!

And I also like the fact it helps people like me to visualise priorities.

Anyway, Scott Selhurst from Tyner Blain has extended this concept brilliantly.

In summary, Scott's idea is to make this approach more quantitive, so the output is a physical order of priorities and not just a graph for visualisation purposes.

Plot the importance/business value axis using points, rather than just a position based on relativity. Score importance 1-10, or 1-100 if you want more granularity, whatever you prefer. Plot the difficulty/effort axis also using points. If you're estimating using complexity points or the Fibonacci index, for instance, use this.

As well as giving you the graph above, Scott then shows how you can calculate a value:effort ratio for all the things in your list of priorities. This ratio, being a number, allows you to put your priorities in order. And in an order to deliver the highest value fastest, rather than just highest value first.

To read Scott's article, see here: Prioritisation and Value Maximisation.

See also:
How to prioritise quickly and intuitively
10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development

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How To Share An Agile Development Team

How To Share An Agile Development TeamScrum, and other agile development methodologies, provide a framework for managing software development projects.

But all too often, methodologies focus on a project environment, where the team is focused predominantly on a shared goal. Where the team is largely dedicated to the project.

In reality, this is often not the case.

In reality, development teams are frequently required to develop and support multiple products. Multiple products with multiple product owners. And particularly in 'business as usual' ongoing development.

So how do you share an agile development team?

Operating as a resource pool is often not ideal. Everyone throws their requests over the wall. Those that shout loudest get the team's attention. Or maybe the bigger products get the team's attention, at the expense of smaller products that never get to the top of the list, and never will.

Splitting the team by product sounds great. But sometimes the team's too small for this approach to be practical. Or it leaves too many individal developers, causing problems with cover and you can't exactly collaborate with one developer per product!

So what can you do?

We have a similar situation in lots of our teams. Broadly speaking we are solving it like this:

  • There is one Product Owner per product. The Product Owner maintains a separate Product Backlog for each product.

  • The development team acts as one team.

  • The Sprint Budget (number of man-hours available for a Sprint/iteration) is allocated to each product based on our recharges, e.g. 60%-20%-20%. If you don't recharge, you could agree this at a more senior level as a general rule of thumb. Each product has a known % of the budget for each Sprint.

  • Use Cases/User Stories/features are broken down into Tasks and estimated by the development team during Sprint Planning.

  • Each Product Owner can only include Tasks from their Product Backlog up to their allocated % of the Sprint Budget.

This approach means the development team can act as one team. There is knowledge sharing and cover when someone is off, because in this case the overall Sprint Budget is reduced but everyone still gets their usual % share of the available hours.

It also means team members don't have to juggle their time between products on a 0.x FTE basis, which is awkward at best and just plain impossible when the fractions are too small or odd numbers.

Instead the Tasks allocated in the Sprint are already appropriate to the Sprint Budget per product, meaning team members can focus on delivering the Tasks in the Sprint, not worrying about how to split their time.

See also:
10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development
10 Good Reasons to do Agile Development
Top 10 Agile Development web sites

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How To Prioritise Quickly And Intuitively

How To Prioritise Quickly And IntuitivelyIf you're in a situation where prioritisation is straightforward and you have a single decisive product owner, you probably need to read no further.

If, however, prioritisation is difficult in your situation - maybe because you have several products or product owners with conflicting priorities, or maybe because your requirements can be complex and benefits rather intangible - this is for you.

In this case, prioritisation can be difficult and priorities are not always immediately obvious.

This simple approach might help you to prioritise more quickly and intuitively...

Draw a 2 x 2 grid. Use the bottom axis as 'Difficulty'. Make the vertical axis 'Importance'.

'Difficulty' should represent all the negative aspects, such as time, cost, effort, risk, complexity, etc.

The 'Importance' axis should represent all the positive aspects, such as revenue, cost-savings, and (slightly counter-intuitively) the risk of not doing it.

Make the left corner of each axis 'Low' and the top and right of the axes 'High'. What's in between doesn't really matter. 'Difficulty' could be your complexity points if your using Fibonacci estimating or something similar. But it doesn't really matter. The important thing is simply one item's difficulty and importance relative to anothers.

Plot each of your items on the grid, making an intuitive judgement about whether it's harder or easier, more or less important, than the other items already plotted. Make sure they're plotted roughly in the right position, relative to each other.

Get the relevant product owners to decide on the vertical position. Get the technical team to decide on the horizontal position. This is best done in a workshop with all the relevant people together. It's also important that only those qualified to judge should influence the horizontal position!

It's a good idea to start with the things that are clearly the easiest, hardest, most and least important. Place these in the corners of the grid to provide a useful context for other, less obvious items.

Once you've got all your things on the grid, think about the four quadrants. Things in the top left are "No-Brainers". These things are clear priorities. Things in the bottom right are potentially for the bin, as these things are of the least value.

Things in the bottom left are quite straightforward to deliver but not the most important. Consider ways to make them more valuable, i.e. push them up on the grid. Could they be chargeable features (if appropriate)? Or if enhanced slightly would they be considered much more important? Of course you shouldn't do this artificially; it's counter-productive.

Typically things in the top right quadrant are more strategic developments. Although they're over to the right, if you never start them you'll certainly never deliver them. Consider ways to simplify these items. Consider breaking them up into multiple things, so bits can move left on the grid and the strategic changes delivered over time.

This might sound like a simplistic approach, but you might be surprised how many things you're already working on that are not in the top left of the grid. And how many things you might not be working on, that are.
See also:
How to prioritise (Part II)

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The Beauty of NOT Doing Agile Development...

The Beauty of NOT Doing Agile DevelopmentThe beauty of NOT doing agile development... is that failure comes as a complete surprise, instead of being preceeded by months of worry!

Often in traditional development projects, everything seems to be going so well, right up to 80% completion or perhaps even later.

Then things start getting harder...

Things start looking less and less likely to meet the planned end date. Until eventually you concede that you can't hit the date because it's just too late to do anything much about it...

In agile development, there are a few key principles that highlight such issues early. Distressing though this is, the issues are highlighted whilst there's still time to do something about it.

One reason why this is a common problem in traditional software development projects is because the testing is one big lump all at the end. Consequently it's very hard to gauge quality until late in the day and it's very hard to judge how complete the product really is, because you don't know how many more bugs there are to find.

In agile development, testing is integrated throughout the lifecycle, features are completed one by one, and for each feature "done" really means "DONE!". In addition the product owner or user representative is actively involved in order to see the product frequently and steer its development every step of the way.

All of these principles go a very long way to ensuring clear visibility of progress, and providing a clear and unambiguous measure of the product's completeness on a very regular basis.

But in addition to this, the Scrum agile development approach also offers a daily burndown chart that beats any traditional status report hands down!

The daily burndown chart is a simple tool. But it's also a very powerful one. Take all the tasks or features to be delivered in a particular iteration, or Sprint in Scrum. Put down the estimated time to complete. Update the time to complete each task on a daily basis. Be honest about what effort you believe is required to complete each task (that's complete each task), regardless of how long has been spent to date and regardless of what was estimated in the first place. Your goal, quite simply, is for the team to reach zero by the end of the Sprint/iteration.

The beauty of this approach is that it's a numeric view of progress and can therefore be plotted visually on a graph. Plot the original estimates for the Sprint on one line, and the current estimates to complete on another line. When the current line tracks below the original line, you're on track. When it tracks higher, you're running behind. Simple as that!

I've also found it useful to annotate the graph with 'speech bubbles' describing key events along the way. This is a useful way to record significant events so they're not forgotten by the time of the Sprint review, and it's also useful to communicate important things to management and stakeholders instead of producing a separate status report.

Using a burndown chart, when you spend one day on a task and discover a whole load of problems or effort you hadn't anticipated or estimated for, the estimate to complete jumps up, creating an all-too-visual indicator of the problem for all to see.

When this happens early in a project, and/or on a large scale, believe me it's pretty scary! Suddenly you're not so sure about all this new-found visibility. It seemed like such a good idea at the time, but can you really stick that burndown chart of the wall?!

But you do gain one big advantage. One enourmous advantage, actually. You get to see where the project really is, every day, and in all its techni-colour glory! And whenever you hit problems in a project, you actually see them, and see them when you might just have time to do something about it.

See also:
10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development
Testing is integrated throughout the lifecycle
Features are completed one by one
"done" really means "DONE!"

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Agile Development: No Sprint Is An Island!

agile development no sprint is an islandOne of the key agile principles is about fixing timescales and varying scope.

In DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Methodology) these iterations are called Timeboxes; in Scrum agile management practice they are called Sprints.

For Business-As-Usual (BAU) changes to existing products, one Sprint may equal a release of the product. However for projects it's more than likely multiple Sprints will be required before the features have enough value to the user to be worth releasing.

In the case of projects, it's clear there must be some kind of release planning sitting over the individual Sprints. This is important to estimate how many Sprints are likely to be required before the product will be ready to be released.

Having done this release planning and worked out how many Sprints should be needed, probably doing some fairly high level estimating at the outset in order to secure project funding, individual Sprints cannot be run in isolation.

The danger if they are, is that any overhang - or personally I prefer to call it hangover :-) accumulates and creates a bow-wave effect towards the end of the project, and on some projects it's more like a tsunami!

Whilst the scope may be varied, and in agile development the scope should be varied, there does of course come a point when you simply can't vary scope any further without seriously undermining the basis of the original business case. And unfortunately it's at that point you're back to the good old-fashioned slippage, that is all-too-common and all-too-painful in so many software development projects using whatever methodology.

So how about BAU? Surely you can run individual Sprints in BAU, each leading to a release of the product? Yes, technically you can. But I say you shouldn't.

Just to clarify - yes, of course you can run individual Sprints each leading to a release of the product. But ideally you shouldn't run a sequence of Sprints in complete isolation, even in the BAU scenario.

The product owner, together with the product team and those responsible for the commercial results of the product, should ideally form an outline plan of sorts; a high level roadmap if you will. This is important as the basis for business planning, budgets, revenue forecasts, etc. And even if the planning is fairly unscientific at this level, there must be a clear business vision of the key drivers for the product over time, and this vision needs to inform the priorities of the Sprints.

See also:
10 Key Principles of Agile Development
Time waits for no man!
How can I be sure my project will deliver on time?

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How Can I Be Sure My Agile Project Will Deliver On Time?

How Can I Be Sure My Agile Project Will Deliver On Time?In agile development the timescale is fixed. So one thing you can be absolutely sure about, is that it'll deliver on time!

The question in agile development is the other way up - how can I be sure enough features will be delivered to achieve the objectives and realise the benefits? And the truth is, that's still a really tough question.

Unfortunately, no methodology - agile or otherwise - can completely mitigate the risks of software development, because it's inherently a potent cocktail of unpredictability (people, software, estimates, change).

However agile development does provide clear, measurable, visible progress on a frequent basis, so it goes a long way in mitigating risks and identifying issues early, while there's still time to react.

See also: Time waits for no man!

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